Max Keiser hosts The Keiser Report with financial news and analysis, on the RT network.
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The 30-minute program is produced three times a week. Stacy Herbert (recently announced on a July 2012 episode as his fiancée) is the co-host and banters with Max on headlines and commentary.
Each episode is divided into two parts. In the first half Max and Stacy discuss a concurrent topic and comment on financial media reports and commentary. The second half features a guest being interviewed by Max Keiser.
An episode broadcast in September 2011 featured an interview with comedienne Rosanne Barr, who stated that her solution to the financial crisis was to «bring back the guillotine.»
According to Forbes Magazine, the economist Sandeep Jaitly of the Gold Standard Institute was forced to resign following comments made on Keiser’s show.
Keiser produced 10 short documentary films covering aspects of financial markets for Al Jazeera’s series People & Power. The films include Rigged Markets, Money Geyser, Death of the Dollar, Peaked, Extraordinary Antics, Savers vs Speculators, Banking On It, Private Finance or Public Swindle? and Focus on Locusts.
Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert look at central banking meth heads and low level broker-dealer-thieves drinking the hand sanitizer that is the high frequency scalping of the last dregs of equity left in the markets. They also ask whether the US has it in for British banks. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Peter Antonioni, author of Economics for Dummies, about the policy of quantitative easing as economic homeopathy – it only works on the grounds that you believe it works – and about the UK monetizing its debt after transferring QE ‘surpluses’ from the Bank of England to the Treasury.